University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB)

The University of Milano Bicocca is one of the most dynamic, research- and innovation-oriented Italian universities, inserted in relevant networks with top universities, research centers and corporations. In terms of projects, UNIMIB is currently involved in more than 100 ongoing European granted projects (within the H2020 programme, COST Actions, Justice, EIT-KIC Raw Materials among others); for 26 of those, UNIMIB acts also as the coordinator. Just to mention the H2020-MSCA program, UNIMIB is coordinator of 7 MSCA-ITN, 2 MSCA-RISE, 2 MSCA-NIGHT, 5 MSCA-IF and it is beneficiary of 9 additional MSCA-ITN and 2 MSCA-RISE. Furthermore, UNIMIB hosts 11 ERC projects: 4 starting grant, 5 consolidator grants, 1 proof of concept and 1 synergy grant.


Prof. Giovanni Corrao

Principal Investigator, full professor of Medical Statistics.

Claudia Conflitti

Researcher in Biostatistics

Giulia Caggiu

Researcher in Biostatistics

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