Building on almost 600 years’ experience, the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain, University of Louvain) is today a multisite university in Belgium (Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels Woluwe, Brussels Saint-Gilles, Mons, Tournai, and Charleroi) at the forefront of innovation and excellence in education and research. The university involves more than 30,000 students of 123 different nationalities and a staff of about 5,800 teachers, researchers and administrative and technical collaborators. UCLouvain is responsible for the education of nearly one out of two French-speaking academics in Belgium and proposes courses in all possible disciplines. It is ranked first among Belgian francophone universities. Research is one of UCLouvain’s main activities with €242M in annual research and development investment. More than 1000 research contracts are signed every year with universities, public institutions and private companies. UCLouvain actively participates in the R&I programmes of the European Union. It is notably involved in 176 projects within FP7 and in already 120 Horizon 2020 projects. Among Horizon 2020 projects, UCLouvain hosts more than 35 MSCA and 25 ERC. UCLouvain proposes a variety of services to society and the academic community: 3 science parks (Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels, Seneffe), 3 university hospitals (Saint-Luc Brussels, Mont-Godinne, Sainte-Elisabeth Namur), 2 museums and 8 main libraries. Research is organised via distinct yet complementary research entities: 22 research institutes, research centres, technology platforms.

Prof. Dr. Vincent Lorant
Principal Investigator
Pablo Nicaise, PhD
Project Manager
Pierre Smith. MSc
PhD Researcher
Katharina Seeber, MSc
PhD Researcher