Karolinska Institutet (KI)

The legal entity is Karolinska Institutet, the medical university in Stockholm, Sweden. The PI is within the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, which consists of five divisions (Psychiatry, Psychology, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Insurance Medicine). The PI is head of the division of Insurance medicine, which provides teaching and research in this area. The PI is also leader of a research group dealing with studies in the intersection between psychiatric epidemiology and insurance medicine. The focus is on research related to the aetiology, prognosis, intervention and treatment of mental disorders. The work is interdisciplinary and carried out in strong collaboration with researchers from several national and international leading universities, clinicians and representatives of stakeholders. Studies build mainly on nationwide register data and apply cutting-edge statistical modelling, including methods for pharmacoepidemiology. More information can be found here: https://ki.se/en/cns/ellenor-mittendorfer-rutz-research-group.


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